Latest Episodes

Fortnite Festival #6 of Counting Days
COUNTING DAYS is a text-based Gemara mini-series focused on the Mitzvah of Sefirat Ha"Omer, the annual Post-Passover Counting of Days that leads us up...

Out of the Darkness. Counting into Illumination!
A Torah class by Rabbi Mendel Kaplan on Parshat #Emor and #sefirathaomer

“Ride the Wave & Make it Count”
A new look at Sefirah Secrets & how you can best achieve Success!

Sefirat Haomer Can Brighten Your Day!
Dark Days are filled with things you CAN’T do... Sefirat Ha’Omer teaches us what you CAN do. Brighten Yourself Today!

Count On Me
COUNTING DAYS is a text-based Gemara mini-series focused on the Mitzvah of Sefirat Ha"Omer, the annual Post-Passover Counting of Days that leads us up...

The Holiday Calendar II
COUNTING DAYS is a text-based Gemara mini-series focused on the Mitzvah of Sefirat Ha"Omer, the annual Post-Passover Counting of Days that leads us up...